Here are some pics of some of the wildlife we've come across recently.(Click on the photos for a better view). On Christmas Day we found this little snake in the grass beside the swimming pool. We reckon it to be a Malayan Many Toothed Snake - apparently an uncommon sight due to its small size and secretive nature.
Glad it wasn't anything bigger - heard that a neighbour's dog had been bitten on the tongue by a cobra and didn't survive the experience - yikes!
On the balcony roof outside our bedroom we spotted this cute little fellow. A Fruit Bat, I think.

These Dusky Leaf Monkeys visit from time to time. Their limbs and tails are really long and their posture is so human! Amusing to watch their antics but they've been stripping the Frangipane trees of their leaves which is a pity.

A pair of Mynah birds clearly setting up home under the roof tiles.

And finally Tia investigating one of the new pots by the pool!