Hello! It's Charlie here. Mum's busy so I thought I'd help her out by writing a news story for her blog.
Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin.
Just a couple of nights ago I was in the kitchen helping Mum to prepare dinner, when, ever alert, I began to feel there was someone else there in the kitchen with us....
Yep, lo and behold, there behind us, bold as brass, was a monkey sitting on the counter!! I mean ... how cheeky can you get? And, he was helping himself from a bowl of rice, if you please!!!!!

Yikes!! I was speechless and Mum was shrieking and waving the spoon and stir-fry chicken all over the place! Whilst pondering how best to approach this situation, i.e. whether to eat the chicken or chase the monkey, he scarpered! Phew, that was a close shave! Don't tell anyone, but I get a bit nervous around Monkeys - believe me, it's definitely best to keep a low profile if you meet one! After all, they're bigger than me and fierce ... and I have it on good authority from the mutt next door, that if they get really annoyed with you, they throw their poo at you!! Eeuw!! No manners!
Well, fortunately, this one was more concerned with his prize, though he had the audacity to hang around for a while on the wall by the kitchen door, gloating! We had the last laugh though - that rice must have been less than tasty , as it was just out of the freezer and still frozen solid , MOL!!!!

Here I am hot in pursuit - of course, I gave him a 5 minute head start!