This is my daughter, Jules. The pic was taken last November in Dubai! More recently she and I have been setting up her new blog 'Nutrifit with Jules' - which, as of today is now officially up and running!
Jules is a final year student of Nutrition in Sydney and a practicing Personal Trainer. In her blog she will share great information about diet and exercise. She'd love you visit! You'll find interesting and useful articles and recipes to help you on your way to leading a healthy life!

I've still not had much inclination to put paint to paper in the studio, so here are a few more pics from my files. The first are of super walk we made recently at Taman Tar, quite close to our house . It's a really steep climb but what greets you when you get to the top makes it really worthwhile!

Time to catch breath!

Nearly there!

Back at home it's been raining heavily most afternoons - here the pool is almost full!

The Bauhinia flowers are blooming in the garden - Dusky Leaf Monkeys find them delicious!

Hope you all have a good week!