In Flight #1

The Brooklyn Sketchbook Project has taken up every hour of the day for the past couple of weeks!! Anyway, I'm pleased to report that my 'In Flight' themed sketchbook is finally finished and
in flight winging its way to the States as I type! I'm so pleased that I made the effort (I'd only done 4 pages by the start of the new year!) as I really enjoyed the total art immersion whilst I created all the pages! To view them you can click on the image above or use the tab below my header.

You may also notice that below my header I've added another new tab for a page that will lead you to my other project - a new blog called Caroline's Stitched Textiles - not a terrifically original name, I know, but I'm just hopeless at finding catchy names and this was the best I could do at short notice! I've been anxious to set this blog up to document my work on a City and Guilds Embroidery course which I'm studying by distance learning. I actually started this a while back and completed Module I already when I lived in Hong Kong! However, I've been
really slow about starting it up again since I moved to KL, but it's full steam ahead now and if you're interested in checking out what I get up to there please do hop over and take a look! Again, you click on the image above get there, or use the new tab below my header.
In Flight # 2

Bob out on a limb!
Now on to Bob, our one-eyed cat. As you can see from the photo he seems to think he is a bird. Silly moggy got himself stuck up that tree last week after being chased by a couple of dogs!

Click to enlarge to get a better view
This photo gives you some idea of how high up he'd managed to climb. One of next door's gardeners shinned up the tree to try to help him, but his efforts only served to make Bob climb even higher and yowl even louder! More attempts to catch him in a swimming pool net had the same effect! In the end he made it down to the ground on that branch, which was eventually sawn off. Fortunately, he was none the worse for his adventure, but I think it'll be a while before he ventures through an open gate again!

Of course, HRH Tia had no sympathy for Bob!
Finally, just a little advance notice of a GIVEWAY on my blog! It's been absolutely ages since I've had one here and I'm feeling in a celebratory mood with the completion of my latest projects, so I'll find something nice for you and be back soon with more information. See you soon!